Cybereason architecture
Cybereason architecture


View MalOps with the Data Platform Architecture

IntheCybereasonplatform,youusetheMalopsmanagementscreentogainanoverallviewofMalOpsinyourenvironment,andtomanagetheMalOpremediation ...

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REST Architecture

The Cybereason API uses the REST (Representational State Transfer) architectural style. This architecture includes a number of different properties:.

Platform Architecture — Cybereason 23.2 Documentation

The Cybereason platform reads and analyzes specific parts of the logs and includes this data with other data in the Detection Server to find patterns of ...

View MalOps with the Data Platform Architecture

In the Cybereason platform, you use the Malops management screen to gain an overall view of MalOps in your environment, and to manage the MalOp remediation ...

Cybereason and Observe launch a new SDR solution

2024年3月28日 — Open Platform: Cybereason's open architecture allows organisations to ingest any structured and unstructured data to gain critical insights ...


Cybereason uses a shared Global Threat Intel server to compare data in your in-memory graph to globally recognized threat sources to determine the reputation of ...

Cybereason Defense Platform

The Cybereason Defense Platform is powered by multiple layers of machine learning to uncover zero-day malware and ransomware attacks. When layered together, ...

What is Cybereason and use cases of Cybereason?

2024年1月11日 — Overall, Cybereason's architecture combines real-time data analysis, advanced threat detection methods, and intuitive visualization tools to ...

Cybereason Disrupt SIEM and XDR Market with New SDR ...

2024年3月27日 — Open Platform: Cybereason's open architecture allows organisations to ingest any structured and unstructured data to gain critical insights ...


TheCybereasonAPIusestheREST(RepresentationalStateTransfer)architecturalstyle.Thisarchitectureincludesanumberofdifferentproperties:.,TheCybereasonplatformreadsandanalyzesspecificpartsofthelogsandincludesthisdatawithotherdataintheDetectionServertofindpatternsof ...,IntheCybereasonplatform,youusetheMalopsmanagementscreentogainanoverallviewofMalOpsinyourenvironment,andtomanagetheMalOpremediation ....